Well, my desktop is past its prime. I'm going to be getting a new, much more powerful, one today or tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous because I've now got to prep everything important for the move from the old to the new. I don't want to lose any of my goodies but at some point you've got to clean stuff out. So,I'm attempting to bundle up everything I can't live without but I know there's going to be
something I forget to include.
Zombies. I love them. I finally saw
Resident Evil: Afterlife this weekend and it was rather enjoyable. There were parts where the grab from other IPs was blatantly obvious but it made up for that with the awesome action scenes. Three instances where the movie obviously grabbed from other IPs:
My favorite scene in the movie was when Bennett stole Alice's airplane and flew it off the building. He was able to pull up just inches before he slammed into the ground. This caused the airplane to barrel through a throng of zombies leaving a red smear behind it. That was
awesome! It was almost as good as the scene in
28 Weeks Later where a low-flying helicopter's blades decapitate a horde of zombies. Ahhh... Zombies... One reason I can't wait for
The Secret World MMO from Funcom!
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