Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Poorly Rated Video Game - DC Universe Online (MMORPG for the PC & PS3)

Again, I used Gamespot's Top Rated PC Games List to choose a game for my analysis of a poorly rated video game. The lowest rating on the list was a 7.0 and, although I'm sure I've played games rated lower than this, I was unable to get the list to show anything rated lower. Searching through the games rated 7.0 I found that the lowest one on the list I've played is DC Universe Online, an MMORPG by Sony Online Entertainment. Let the analysis begin...

+ DC Universe intellectual property used to create an MMORPG.
+ Atmospheric difference between the two main cities is striking and memorable.
+ Equipping upgraded gear doesn't change your character's appearance if you don't want it to.
+ Tutorial is easy to follow and informative.
+ Combat is fun, fast-paced, and doesn't use up your energy pool.

- Combat controls for the PC feel awkward to me. It feels like the controls were first created for the PS3 version of the game and then badly translated to the PC version.
- The game camera's movement during combat makes me motion sick.
- The targeting system often targets the closest enemy. Unfortunately this may not be who you want to engage at the time and can cause more aggro than necessary.
- No longer able to earn new skills once you've reached the level cap of 30.
- There is no crafting and it doesn't look like it'll ever be added in a traditional MMO crafting sense.

~ The customization choices when creating your character are plentiful but can be a bit disappointing when compared to those found in games like City of Heroes or Champions Online.
~ The game launched without any kind of player market or auction. In the February 2011 update an auction house was introduced. This killed one of the prime features of the MMO: one had to earn costume pieces by defeating villains or completing quests. Now, the player doesn't have to earn any costume pieces, they can simply buy them in the auction house. I hope they keep the auction house but return the costume pieces to the rewards they once were. They were a good motivation to complete quests and engage villains.
~ Stuns and interrupts are broken in PvE. Stuns are so frequent that the game is almost turn-based. It seems like every enemy mob has the ability to interrupt a player irregardless of mob or player level. This should be fixed as it stomps on the players sense of fair play.
~ Free game time when you buy the game and the level cap: The level cap is currently 30. This isn't a problem except that leveling is rather fast paced. A hard-core gamer can reach 30 in a week or two. A casual gamer can reach 30 in two to three weeks. Either way they reach the end game before their free month is up and have a week to experience the end game to decide if they want to pay for a subscription. The end game is lacking in content and most opt not to sub. Unfortunately this issue doesn't come with a quick fix. The easiest fix would be to adjust the amount of free time offered to two weeks but this could cost potential subscribers. The hardest fix is the most obvious: rework how characters level so it takes longer than a month. The upside to this option is that it could lead to more players subscribing at the end of their free time so they can finish leveling and experience the end game.

Would Likes:
* I'd like to continue to earn new skills past the level cap of 30. As it stands one can earn gear but how much gear does one need in the endgame? Once you've got the prime pieces for your class there really is no need for more gear. So, let me earn points to put towards new skills instead.
* New power sets. There are only six power sets (No, I'm not including the movement power) right now. They do branch out but even those branches are limited. I'd love to see powers like Atomic, Earth, Electricity, or Shape-shifting/Morphing.
* League Halls. Currently there is no place for members of a League to gather. It'd be great if the League Hall could include access to a League Bank and have a spot to show off League accomplishments.
* More bank and bag space period. It fills up way too quickly with the four armor sets needed to play: PvE dps, PvP dps, PvE class, and PvP class. Top that off with some questing and the loot quickly fills up what space is left necessitating frequent trips to a merchant to sell it off. In fact, just implementing an armor or weapons only storage bag would free up a lot of space.

Credit where credit's due:
Various. (2010-2011). DC Universe Online PC. Retrieved from

Various. (2010-2011). DC Universe Online PS3. Retrieved from

Various. (2011). DC Universe Online (PC). Retrieved from

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